Legal group

Our Legal group is made up of two teams – Legal and Enforcement. Based in London and Manchester, they provide legal advice and support to all groups within Ofcom. They work with industry and tackle non-compliance that affects consumers and competition. They also work with our policy teams to shape, create and implement our work.

The Legal team
The Legal team provides proactive legal advice to all groups within Ofcom to help inform our policies. We have around 50 qualified lawyers from a variety of backgrounds – all bringing a diverse range of experience and expertise gained in private practice, industry in-house legal teams, and public bodies. The team works across Ofcom’s remit – public law, media, communications, competition and consumer law, and online safety. As a lawyer at Ofcom you will work on complex and high-profile matters which are often the subject of political and public interest and debate, and which have the potential to raise new and significant points of law. We also undertake the litigation that arises from our regulatory decisions.

The Enforcement team
The Enforcement team plays a critical role in making sure the regulation and policy we put in place to protect people is effective. It works closely with policy teams across Ofcom and carries out advocacy work to improve compliance in the industry. Where it identifies problems, it actively enforces the requirements that Ofcom imposes on regulated providers, as well as enforcing general consumer and competition law.
It also makes sure video-sharing platforms comply with their obligations to protect users from harmful and illegal content, and will be responsible for enforcing the new online safety regime.